Non-surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-surgical Rhinoplasty is a wonderful alternative available for patients interested in altering or enhancing the shape of their nose, without undergoing invasive surgery.
The benefits of a nose procedure without surgery include: virtually immediate results, no downtime, and little to no pain.
The non-surgical nose job is a cosmetic procedure in which Dr S.M Nhlapo will inject dermal fillers into targeted areas of the nose.
He alters and re-shapes a patient’s nose without invasive surgery. The procedure fills in depressed sections of the nose, elevating the angle of the tip or smoothing out the appearance of bumps on the bridge.This is a great option for patients who are looking for an improvement in their nose but are not yet ready for surgery. Though some patients may be concerned that the nose will look bigger once the fillers are injected, not to worry—the procedure simply evens out the nose so irregularities or depressions are repaired.