Brow Lift
A brow lift goes by many names including forehead lift or browplasty.
A brow lift defies the ageing process, lifting and tightening the soft tissues of the forehead to restore a more youthful appearance, not only to the forehead, but upper eyelids and eyebrows as well.
The ageing process tends to lower the eyebrows and lengthen the forehead. In the process, the eyebrows can be seen crowding the upper eyelids resulting in loose upper eyelid skin and a more tired, closed appearance of the eyes. The sides of the eyes and temples usually also get droopy and form wrinkles and skin folds.
There are various brow lift methods, all designed to accomplish the results that each individual uniquely needs. Some are designed to lift the brows alone, others are designed to also lengthen or shorten the forehead. For some patients, the brows can be lifted and the hairline, which may have receded, can be brought back down to its normal location.